In the world of sports, there is often a tendency to focus solely on the actions happening on the field, overlooking the intricacies of the playing surface itself. This is especially relevant when comparing soccer and American football fields. While soccer enjoys global popularity, for many residents of the United States, it remains a mystery, primarily due to a lack of information about the fundamental differences between these two sports.

In this detailed guide, we will examine the key aspects that differentiate soccer fields from American football fields, shedding light on their shape, surface, markings, goalposts, dimensions, and more. By the end of this exploration, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique characteristics that set these fields apart and why one cannot simply be substituted for the other.

Soccer and Football Field Shape

Soccer fields and American football fields have a rectangular shape, which might lead to the assumption of interchangeability. However, despite this commonality, differences lie in the specific dimensions and rules governing their shape.

Soccer fields allow for flexibility in terms of length and width, as long as they maintain a rectangular shape. The sideline, also known as the touchline, must always be longer than the goal line. American football fields, on the other hand, strictly adhere to prescribed dimensions.

Soccer and Football Field Surface

Both soccer fields and American football fields share a common feature: they can be played on either natural or artificial surfaces. In the United States, American football fields are more commonly equipped with artificial turf, while soccer fields predominantly feature natural grass.

American football field measurements

Interestingly, there has been a recent shift in this dynamic, with NFL stadiums increasingly using artificial turf, while Major League Soccer (MLS) fields are opting for natural grass. This difference in surface preferences underscores the unique playing conditions in each sport.

Soccer and Football Field Markings

One of the primary distinctions between soccer fields and others is the field markings. The markings serve as clear indicators of the type of sport being played on a given field:

Soccer fields feature markings that include penalty areas, goal areas, penalty spots, corner arcs, the halfway line, the center circle, and the center spot.

American football fields, in contrast, have markings such as end zones, 10-yard segments, 5-yard lines, 1-yard hash marks, 1-yard scrimmage lines, and multiples of 10-yard indicators.

The stark contrast in these markings makes it evident that these two fields are not interchangeable for use in one another’s sports.

Soccer and Football Field Goalposts

Although both soccer and American football fields feature goalposts, these structures differ significantly:

  • In soccer, goalposts must be positioned in the center of both goal lines, with the crossbar located at a height of 8 feet above the ground and directly above the goal line. The vertical goalposts holding the crossbar must be 8 yards apart;
  • In American football, goalposts are also placed in the center of both goal lines, with the crossbar positioned 10 feet above the ground but not directly on the goal line. The vertical goalposts extend beyond the crossbar, being 18 feet 6 inches apart and 35 feet in height.

The most significant difference lies in the aiming area: soccer players aim to send the ball between the goalposts and above the crossbar, while football players aim to kick or throw the ball through the space between the goalposts and below the crossbar.

Soccer Field Dimensions

To understand the difference between soccer and football fields, it’s necessary to examine their dimensions:

  • In soccer, FIFA dictates the field sizes, with the minimum length being 100 yards (300 feet) and the maximum being 130 yards (390 feet). The width of the field should not be less than 50 yards (150 feet) and can go up to 100 yards (300 feet). However, it’s important to note that the width should never exceed the length;
  • For international soccer matches, slightly different dimensions apply, with a minimum length of 90 yards (330 feet) and a maximum of 131 yards (360 feet). The minimum width is 70 yards (210 feet), while the maximum is 80 yards (240 feet).

These dimensions provide a significant range for field builders, accommodating those seeking FIFA certification as well as those aiming to minimize costs.

Football Field Dimensions

Now let’s turn to the dimensions of a football field. According to the NFL, a football field has a rectangular shape, measuring 120 yards (360 feet) in length and 53 1/3 yards (160 feet) in width.

For our European readers, this translates to approximately 110 meters in length and slightly less than 50 meters in width. It’s essential to note that all football fields include 10-yard end zones on each end, resulting in the actual playing field’s length being 100 yards (300 feet).

In contrast to soccer fields, which allow for flexible dimensions, American football fields strictly adhere to these parameters. Such rigidity is a fundamental aspect of American football, ensuring consistency in field size across all NFL games.

Which Is Longer: A Soccer Field or a Football Field?

When comparing the length of soccer fields to American football fields, it’s necessary to focus on the measurements from goal line to goal line, excluding the end zones. In this regard, soccer fields generally surpass football fields. While the minimum requirements for soccer fields almost align with those for football fields, soccer fields are rarely built to only meet the minimum standards.

  • For example, in the English Premier League, a standard soccer field measures approximately 115 yards in length and 74 yards in width. If we exclude the end zones on football fields, which add an extra 10 yards on each side, soccer fields typically come out longer;
  • However, it’s important to understand that actual field sizes can vary significantly. Therefore, the question of whether a soccer field is truly longer than a football field remains a subject of debate among fans and experts.

*Note: Soccer fields have additional 10-yard end zones on each side, but they are not considered part of the playing field’s length.

TypeMinimum Length (yards)Maximum Length (yards)
Soccer Field100130
Football Field100 (playing field)*100 (playing field)*

Ultimately, it’s a matter of perspective and interpretation, and there is no definitive answer to the question of which field is genuinely longer.

Is the MLS Field Smaller than FIFA?

Another intriguing question revolves around the dimensions of Major League Soccer (MLS) fields compared to the sizes dictated by FIFA. Field dimensions for soccer around the world, including MLS, can vary.

  • FIFA prescribes ideal dimensions: a standard field is 115 yards in length and 74 yards in width. However, both FIFA and MLS allow for some flexibility. While there are larger and smaller fields in each jurisdiction, the average field size aligns with these ideal dimensions;
  • Essentially, a typical MLS field doesn’t differ significantly in size from a field built to FIFA’s requirements. FIFA’s regulations on international match sizes ensure that players worldwide compete on fields of roughly the same dimensions, minimizing the need for adjustments.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether an MLS field is smaller than a standard FIFA field is that they generally match, with FIFA’s standard serving as the common reference point. However, national leagues, including MLS, may have smaller fields based on FIFA’s rules.

Can Soccer Be Played on a Football Field?

Although the differences between soccer and American football fields are apparent, many middle schools in the United States often use football fields for soccer due to budget constraints. From a technical standpoint, standard soccer fields meet FIFA’s minimum requirements for soccer fields.

However, a question arises: even if it can be done, should it be done? The answer lies in the nuances of the sports themselves. Fields designed for soccer offer certain advantages, including familiarity with field dimensions and the feel of the surface.

What is a soccer field called?

In American football, a field is commonly referred to as a “pitch.” The term “pitch” is used in many countries, including England, Australia, and India. In the United States, a soccer field is more commonly called a “field” or “soccer field.”

  • The term “pitch” is believed to have originated in the 19th century when soccer became popular in England. At that time, many soccer matches were played on cricket fields. Over time, the term “field” began to be used to refer to any playing field, regardless of the sport;
  • Soccer field dimensions are standardized by FIFA, the international governing body for soccer. A standard soccer field is 100-130 yards long and 50-100 yards wide. The goalposts have a width of 8 yards and a height of 8 feet;
  • Soccer fields are marked with various lines, including the touchline (sideline), goal line (end line), halfway line, and penalty area. The touchlines define the lateral boundaries of the field, while the goal lines mark the end boundaries. The halfway line divides the field into two equal halves. The penalty area is located in front of each goal and includes a penalty spot, situated 12 yards from the goal line.

Soccer fields are typically grassy but can also feature artificial turf. The grass is regularly mowed and leveled to ensure the ball rolls smoothly.

What size is the Premier League field?

The length of a Premier League field typically measures 105 meters, with a width of 68 meters. However, the Football Association (FA), the governing body of football in England, allows Premier League fields to have lengths ranging from 90 to 120 meters and widths from 45 to 90 meters.

  • The recommended length for a Premier League field is 105 meters (115 yards); however, the FA permits some flexibility in dimensions to accommodate various stadium sizes and playing surfaces. For example, the largest Premier League field, “City Ground” in Nottingham, measures 110 meters by 72 meters (120 yards by 78 yards). The smallest Premier League field, located at Selhurst Park in London, measures 100 meters by 64 meters (109 yards by 70 yards);
  • The size of the field can have a significant impact on the flow of the game. A larger field provides teams with more space to play, resulting in a more open and attacking style of soccer. A smaller field may be more congested, leading to more physical and defensive matches;
  • The FA’s decision to allow Premier League teams to use fields of different sizes is based on the belief that it provides each team with equal opportunities to compete.

By giving teams the choice of field size that best suits their style of play, the FA hopes to create a more competitive and entertaining league.

What is the size of the UEFA pitch?

UEFA field dimensions range from 100 to 105 meters in length and 64 to 68 meters in width. These dimensions are consistent with fields used in the FIFA World Cup and most other major international soccer competitions.

UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations, is the governing body of soccer in Europe. It organizes a series of tournaments, including the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League, and the UEFA European Championship.

  • According to UEFA competition rules, the length of the field must be between 100 and 105 meters, and the width should range from 64 to 68 meters. This ensures that all teams participating in UEFA competitions must play on a field of the same size, creating equal playing conditions;
  • There are some exceptions to this rule. For instance, if a stadium is not large enough to accommodate a field of the required size, UEFA may allow for a slightly smaller field. However, the field must still fall within the range of 100-105 meters in length and 64-68 meters in width;
  • The size of the field can have a significant impact on the flow of the game. A larger field provides teams with more space to play, potentially leading to a more open and attacking style of soccer. Conversely, a smaller field may result in a more congested game, potentially leading to more physical and defensive matches.

UEFA’s decision to standardize field sizes is based on the belief that it creates a fair and competitive environment for all teams. By ensuring that all teams play on a field of the same size, UEFA levels the playing field and gives all teams an equal chance of success.


Comparing soccer fields to American football fields reveals the fascinating interplay of sizes, rules, and unique characteristics that define these two distinct sports. Despite both fields having a basic rectangular shape, their individual features set them apart.

  • Soccer fields offer flexible length and width, allowing variations within FIFA’s rules. In contrast, American football fields adhere to strict dimensions, ensuring consistency in American football games;
  • Goalposts, field markings, and even the type of surface further differentiate these fields, making them unsuitable for interchangeability. Soccer fields prioritize precision and skill, with narrower and lower goalposts, while American football fields require height and distance to successfully score;
  • The length comparison, a subject of much debate, leans toward soccer fields being longer, especially when considering only the playing field. However, the presence of end zones on American football fields complicates this assessment;
  • In MLS, following FIFA standards maintains a consistent average field size, contributing to uniform soccer experiences across different regions. However, variations persist in national leagues, allowing teams to adapt to local conditions;
  • Although it is technically possible to play soccer on an American football field, this practice is largely limited to amateur levels due to the advantages of purpose-built soccer fields. The unique characteristics of a soccer field, including its dimensions, surface, and atmosphere, significantly contribute to the development and quality of the game.

In essence, comparing soccer fields to American football fields serves as a reminder of the nuances that define and distinguish sports, enriching the sporting landscape with their individuality. Whether you are a soccer enthusiast or a football fan, the playing field plays a crucial role in shaping the essence of each sport, and understanding its intricacies enhances our appreciation of the beautiful game.